Fitting a curve for an experimental energy spectrum of plasma particles with the least square method, a square error sum between the fitted curve and experimental spectrum data is usually minimized. 用最小二乘法拟合等离子体粒子能谱实验数据时,通常使拟合函数与实验能谱数据之间的误差平方和极小化。
Only the fitting deviation can be calculated and is a measure of the difference between a calculated distribution curve and the experimental data. 所以,真实误差和试验误差是不可知的,仅仅可以用拟合误差来度量所拟合的分配曲线和试验资料的误差。
This paper applies polynomial curve fitting to the post-processing of synchronously measured distance data, and presents a piece-wise curve fitting technique in accordance with the characteristics of distance data for maneuvering underwater targets. 文章对多项式曲线拟合方法用于同步测量距离后置处理进行了分析,针对机动目标距离数据特点提出分段曲线拟合方法。
The influence of curve fitting methods on the results of plotting drawing and converting characteristic curves of hydraulic turbines, and a new interpolation and curve fitting method for foregoing data processing was proposed. 研究了不同数值处理方法的曲线拟合对水轮机特性曲线绘制与转换效果的影响,并提出了水轮机特性曲线的插值与拟合的新方法;
Both the wavelet functions and the least square algorithm of fitting of data are used to construct a new method of fitting of curve and surface. 本文把小波函数引入离散数据拟合领域,将小波函数与数据拟合的常用方法&最小二乘法相结合,给出了一种新型的数据拟合工具。
Differential equation fitting method of a-N curve a-N曲线的微分方程拟合法
An approach of linear fractional curve fitting applied to the type value points is presented, under the condition of a steep slope in function curve. The article also shows how to apply the technique of sectionally function curve fitting in practice. 提出对函数曲线很陡情况下的型值点进行线性分式曲线拟合的方法,并给出分段函数曲线拟合在实际问题中的应用示例。
This paper analyzes the fitting result of a large amount of typical viscoelastic damp material, proposes a way to simplify the formula in order to make it easier to calculate the five constants by curve fitting method. 本文分析了一些粘弹性阻尼材料的拟合结果,对文献[1]公式作了一定简化,降低了用曲线拟合方法确定常数这一过程的难度。
We discussed the total design of WEDM CNC programming system based on the Object Oriented Programming idea, studied the fitting method of a plane curve, used an efficient and stable curve approximating method; 讨论了面向对象的系统的总体设计;讨论了平面曲线的拟合方法,本系统采用了一种方便、快捷,运算稳定而且效果较好的曲线拟合方法;
From the view of application of Lifting Scheme, the fitting curve can contain more low frequency components of a specific data's contour than the interpolating curve. 从提升格式的应用来说,数据的拟合曲线比数据的插值曲线更能代表数据包络线的低频成分。
Both lower and higher modes outside of the fitting band are analyzed and processed. The frequency response data are revised by means of modes in two frequency bands close to the fitting band, and a curve model is derived. 通过对拟合频段外的低阶和高阶模态的分析和处理,提出了用邻近拟合段前后两个频段中的模态来修正频响数据,并建立了曲线拟合模型。
Piecewise Fitting of a Least Square Curve 分段最小二乘曲线拟合